Learn About Dog Sledding
The more tours we run, the more passionate we become about sharing what we know. We want our sport to grow. As we read fan emails each year, there is one reoccurring theme: people want accessible information about Iditarod and what mushers did the other 350+ days of the year. From then on, it has become our goal to assemble quality information about the Iditarod, dog sledding, and our own daily lives in an effort to help race fans across the globe better understand what goes into running a competitive Iditarod kennel.
We want you to learn about dog sledding so that the sport of mushing can continue to grow and so that we can continue to honor the way of the north. We both started dog sledding because people in our lives made learning about dog sledding fun, and accessible.
Sled Dog Info
- Sled Dogs Have Olympic Sized Diets
- Sled Dogs & Fall Training
- The Other Half of Iditarod
- What Is A Sled Dog
- Training Sled Dogs in the Fall and Why It’s Important For Success
- Sled Dog Care: PART 1
- Sled Dog Care: Part 2
- What Is The Iditarod Sled Dog Race
- Qualifying for the Iditarod
- The Historic Iditarod Trail
- The Hardest Part Of Competitively Racing Sled Dogs
- Everything You Need To Know About Alaska Dog Sled Tours
- How Summer Dog Sled Tours Help Us As A Competitive Racing Kennel
- Letting Hair Fly: Why We Chose to Groom Our Sled Dogs
- Picking New Lead Dogs: How We Select Which Dogs Will Begin Lead Dog Training
- A Special Focus On The Iditarod Vet Book
- Iditarod Bloodwork & ECGS
- Dog Sledding Commands: What They Are And How We Teach Them
- Transporting Sled Dogs
- Understanding Why Mushers Drop Sled Dogs in Races Like the Iditarod
- An Introduction to Dog Sledding Gear and Equipment
- How Mushers Get Home After Finishing The Iditarod
- Sled Dogs Have Olympic Sized Diets
- Sled Dog Care: PART 1
- Sled Dog Care: Part 2
- Letting Hair Fly: Why We Chose to Groom Our Sled Dogs
- Iditarod Bloodwork & ECGS
- Understanding Why Mushers Drop Sled Dogs in Races Like the Iditarod
- What Is A Sled Dog
- Training Sled Dogs in the Fall and Why It’s Important For Success
- How Summer Dog Sled Tours Help Us As A Competitive Racing Kennel
- Picking New Lead Dogs: How We Select Which Dogs Will Begin Lead Dog Training
- Transporting Sled Dogs
- Understanding Why Mushers Drop Sled Dogs in Races Like the Iditarod
- Everything You Need To Know About Alaska Dog Sled Tours
- What To Expect When Visiting a Sled Dog Kennel in Alaska
- How Summer Dog Sled Tours Help Us As A Competitive Racing Kennel
- Running A Remote Glacier Dog Sledding Tour And Camp
- The Role of Tourism in Racing the Iditarod
- What to Expect When Visiting a Dog Sledding Kennel
- What does a Glacier Dog Sledding Camp consist of?
- How Sled Dog Tours Support the World of Dog Sled Racing